Mar 12, 2009

Rankings - 2000 Chat du Pape tasting, Feb 17, 2009

At last, here are the rankings from our February 17th tasting of 2000 Chateauneuf du Pape wines. The group and our guest speaker, Jacques Marie, agreed on two of the wines: the Font de Michelle as their 3rd and the Chapoutier as their 7th. Overall, comments were it was a great tasting.

Overall Group Ranking (#1 is the favourite; #8 the least favoured wine)

1. 2000 Cabrieres Chateauneuf du Pape, Cuvee Prestige Tete de Cru $55
2. 2000 Clos des Papes $47
3. 2000 Font de Michelle $37
4. 2000 Domaine du Grand Tinel $34
5. 2000 Domaine du Galet des Papes $36
6. 2000 Roger Perrin $33
7. 2000 Chapoutier, la Bernardine $35
8. 2000 Domaine des Relagnes $44

Guest Speaker's Ranking (Jacques Marie)

1. 2000 Domaine du Galet des Papes $36
2. 2000 Domaine du Grand Tinel $34
3. 2000 Font de Michelle $37
4. 2000 Domaine des Relagnes $44
5. 2000 Cabrieres Chateauneuf du Pape, Cuvee Prestige Tete de Cru $55
6. 2000 Clos des Papes $47
7. 2000 Chapoutier, la Bernardine $35
8. 2000 Roger Perrin $33

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